Why Plan for World-Class Results

It’s October…three months to go, but it seems like the year just started.  How is your business performing?  Did you build a plan for this year or are you satisfied just to mark progress against last year?  If you are like the majority, just beating last year is your goal. Unfortunately a surprisingly low number […]

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WIIFM.  A profound acronym for “what’s in it for me”.  It covers many areas of your business, but starting from the source (your customer or prospect) and working its way upstream sometimes (a lot of times) loses its focus quickly.  The easy answer to WIIFM is more sales.  But the ability to make it happen […]

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Is a CEO peer group for you?

Like other CEO peer groups, ours acts as an informal ‘board’ to each of our members.   Accountability is a major benefit CEO’s find with this type of structure, and it works.  Owners in ceo groups generally find their personal and business performances are both enhanced as a result of this enhanced scrutiny by their peers. […]

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4 Steps to a Successful Strategic Planning Process

by Tom Stocker Only 15% of all businesses use formal planning.  This is amazing considering no sports fan would ever tolerate their favorite team to NOT have a plan to win it all.  Likewise, very few of your family would ever consider getting into your car for a 2-week trip without knowing the destination.  So […]

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3 Steps to a Killer Vision Statement

Whenever I do a Vision/Strategic Planning session/workshop for my clients, I insist the owner kick off the meeting by providing the group with their Vision for the business.  Whether they already have one or not doesn’t matter.  The vision is the essential ingredient for any business to be able to create or refine a strategic […]

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“The Call” Will You Be Ready?

You just received an offer for your business…now what?  If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it probably will…IF your business is something worth buying.  It sometimes starts with a casual conversation with a competitor or it could be an unsolicited call from an investment banker on behalf of a client, or from another direction […]

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Are You an Octopus?

Are You an Octopus? by Tom Stocker Is your business in control or do you control your business? Being an octopus stifles growth; revenue, creative, personal, profit and worker to name a few. Evaluate yourself. And be candid. Does everyone in your organization come to you to make a decision, big or small? Do you […]

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